How do I bind my additional IPs?

These instructions are for CentOS / Fedora specifically.

By default, we only bind your first primary IP address. This is because there are different methods of applying your additional IPs that may require that they not be bound originally.

Here is the simplest way of binding your additional IPs:

1) Find out which interface is your public

This shows that my public interface (does not have a “10.” address) is eth1.


2) Create the route file

Before running the command below, change “eth1” to your public interface from step 1 and set your START and END IP addresses in the range.

Note:Your IPADDR_START should be your second usable IP as your primary is already bound. The IPADDR_END value is your last usable IP. If you are unsure what these values are please check your welcome e-mail or open a support.

3) Restart your network interface

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